השכלה והכשרות מקצועיות:
B.Ed. - Bachelor's degree in physical education - specialization in posture rehabilitation
ATSI lvl 1 structure and function
ATSI lvl 1 shoulders and arms
ATSI lvl 1 head neck and jaw
ATSI lvl 1 fans of the hip
ATSI lvl 1 arches and legs
ATSI lvl 1 abdomen chest and breath
ATSI lvl 1tensegrity spine
ATSI lvl 2 - structural strategies
OMT - osteopathic joint articulation
OMT - osteopathic spinal manipulation
OMT - osteopathic advanced spinal manipulation
OMT - osteopathic muscle energy technique and dynamic articulation
FIN - Functional Integrative Needling
DNS - Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization
FMS - Functional Movement Systems
KT Taping - lvl 1 & lvl 2
ST Taping
trigger point therapy
myofascial decompression cupping
upledger craniosacral lvl 1
medical massage
pilates instractor - met work